Health & Social Care Courses - Legal Skills and Safeguarding

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  • Record Keeping

    Records, including notes, are an essential tool which health and social care professionals must be able to use effectively to meet their various legal and professional responsibilities.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Safeguarding Children: Social Worker's Responsibilities

    Over this highly interactive course, delegates will explore the definition ‘Safeguarding Children’ and will identify and work through the 9 stage process involved in Safeguarding Children.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Section 47 Investigation

    This training will assist newly qualified social workers develop an awareness and knowledge of the relevant law, evidence & procedure to carry out their Section 47 role more responsibly and effectively. At all times they need to be alert to Best Practice within current policy and procedure.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Excellence in Statement and Report Writing for Social Workers

    This course has been designed to enable social workers to produce court-compliant, clear, concise and well-structured statements and reports to help better assist the court or tribunal making the decision.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Court Skills for Children's Social Care

    Attending court can be a daunting experience. This training course equips social workers with the core skills to effectively present evidence coherently, truthfully, and confidently under cross-examination.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • First-tier Tribunal (SEND)

    The course familiarises delegates with the relevant legal framework for the appeals process for the First Tier Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal following the appeal lodged by the child/family against the local authority’s SEND decision.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • CSE and online abuse

    This course will increase awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation and Online Grooming as a form of ‘sexual abuse’, and enable social workers to identify vulnerable children and risk factors surrounding them.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Corporate Parenting

    This training will enable delegates to test their knowledge & develop their understanding of their role as the Corporate Parent towards children in their care.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Best Interest Assessor Course And Qualification

    Bond Solon’s BIA qualifying course has been designed to ensure that learners gain the required skills and specialist knowledge to complete Best Interest Assessments to best practice.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: Yes

  • Best Interest Assessor (BIA) Legal Update / Refresher Training

    This highly practical and intensive refresher course is designed to ensure BIAs have the most up-to-date knowledge, skills and competence to correctly interpret and apply legislation and guidance to best practice standards.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Deprivation of Liberty Authorised Signatory Training

    This practical and interactive training day is designed for DoLS supervisory body signatories. The course will look at the new DoLS forms and consider what signatories should expect to see in relation to the evidence and rationale for decisions made.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Chairing Skills: Safeguarding Meetings

    This course will provide delegates with the confidence and competencies to convene and chair successfully, in order to achieve positive outcomes for the client.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm: The Legal Framework

    The course is designed to refresh delegates’ knowledge of the legal framework underpinning safeguarding adults including the Care Act 2014 and other relevant legislation.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Chairing Best Interest Meetings

    This two day course assists delegates in understanding what is required of them to convene and chair Best Interest meetings.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Human Rights Act 1998 for Health and Social Care Professionals

    The aim of this course is to help health and social care professionals in public authorities understand how the Human Rights Act relates to what they do, and how they do it. This one day course will explore the history of human rights as well as how to apply the rights and freedoms to everyday practice in health and social care.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Financial Abuse Training - Protecting Adults at Risk

    Financial abuse is a serious problem, yet can be difficult to identify and evidence. This course equips social workers with ability to identify the different types of financial abuse and the relevant interventions possible.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Modern Slavery

    This one-day course will explore what modern slavery is, giving delegates an in-depth overview. They will consider who is affected, how to spot the signs and know how to respond effectively.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Minute Taking and Recording Skills

    A one day in-house course to ensure best practice in producing clear and concise minutes within the safeguarding process.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Court Skills/Giving Evidence

    Social workers are been called to give evidence more than ever before. This practical and highly interactive course equips adult social workers with the ability to give oral evidence coherently, truthfully, and confidently.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Witness Skills for Health Practitioners

    This intensive and highly practical course provides delegates with the knowledge, skills and confidence to present evidence effectively in a range of legal forums in regards to events that occurred as part of their daily practice

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Coroner’s Court Training

    Professionals are often questioned to assist in Coroner’s Court, therefore it is essential they are prepared and confident in giving evidence under the inquisitorial system.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Lawful Consent for Examination or Treatment

    This course has been designed for medical and healthcare professionals, with particular regard to doctors who work with consenting patients and who want to understand how to get informed consent right every time.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (Advanced)

    This course is aimed at all health and social care professionals who work with adults to enable them to gain an in-depth exploration and robust understanding of the Act and integrate the theory and process into everyday practice.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Advanced Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Training (DoLS)

    The course is aimed at all health and social care professionals who work with adults to provide them with an in-depth exploration and robust understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 DoLS Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards to enable them to integrate the theory and process into everyday practice.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Court of Protection

    The course is designed to enable delegates to identify when it is appropriate to make an application to the Court of Protection and what application is appropriate, as well as. The course will be providing delegates with the skills and knowledge to complete the appropriate application documentation to include annexes and statements with confidence.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk of Harm

    The course will explore the transition from protection to safeguarding, and delegates will consider different types of abuse and their characteristics.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Training (England)

    This one-day course will increase delegate’s knowledge of the law, evidence and procedure necessary to correctly work within the legal framework and carry out their role effectively and to best practice.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Training - Foundation (Wales)

    The aim of this course is to provide an overview of the law underpinning Continuing Healthcare and the process end to end. The duties of the LHB will be explored along with the role of the LA, enabling professionals to correctly work within the legal framework and carry out their role effectively and to best practice standards.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Executive Leadership in Safeguarding

    The course has been designed to help ensure that Senior Executive leaders within the NHS, with Board accountability for safeguarding children and adults lead safeguarding within the NHS Five Year Forward View.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Clinical Leadership in Safeguarding

    This course is designed for all safeguarding leads with operational accountability for safeguarding children and adults, such as designated and named professionals and those who undertake strategic safeguarding roles.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Clinical Responsibility and the Law

    This intense and practical course covers individual and organisational responsibility and accountability. Blame and litigation will be put in context and the trainer will demonstrate how to practice safely and lawfully.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Excellence in Statement/ Report Writing for Health Professionals

    This course teaches delegates how to write clear and well-structured statements and reports that provide a clear and accurate order of events, which are watertight and insulated from attack.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Patient Safety Incident – Investigation and Response

    The course will enable delegates to better identify triggers to investigate a patient safety incident. Delegates will consider the importance of getting the right staff with the appropriate degree of skills and seniority to undertake such investigations and reporting.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Questioning and Communication Techniques in Complaints

    This course provides delegates with the core skills to effectively plan, structure and undertake interviews to best practice standards, enabling them to obtain key information and effectively deal with a complaint.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: Yes

  • Responding to Complaints - Letter and Report Writing

    During this course delegates will learn how to improve the content, structure and style of the letters and reports they produce during a complaints investigation.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: Yes

  • Chairing Skills

    This course is designed to ensure that healthcare professionals have the necessary skills and knowledge to participate and chair multi-disciplinary meetings to best practice standards.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Safeguarding Adult Enquiries

    This highly intensive and practical training is designed to ensure that those who may have to make a safeguarding enquiry, and write the subsequent reports and give evidence, undergo a process of familiarization with the legal process and procedures around adult safeguarding.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No


    This course is designed to provide social workers with a clear understanding of the MAPPA and MARAC processes, appropriate to their roles.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • CoP DoL for Best Interest Assessors

    As a Best Interest Assessor you are required by statute to provide a report to the Supervisory Body usually having conducted three, perhaps four assessments within the Deprivation of Liberty Process.

    Course available: Public

    Qualification: No

  • MCA and MHA Interface

    This course explores this overlap regulated by the provisions of Schedule 1A of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 with a focus on both the relevant statutes, statutory codes of practice and case law to enable practitioners to decide when to use each procedure to authorise a deprivation of liberty in day to day practice.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Restorative Safeguarding Supervision

    Designed in partnership with NHS England, this programme will ensure that your workforce are able to provide effective supervision in order to promote a safe and supportive environment, while being able to respond to the increasing demands for high performance.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Adult Safeguarding - Roles and Responsibilities

    This course is suitable for Level 5 Health Care Staff and includes reference to “knowledge” section in the Intercollegiate Document.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Continuing Care for Children and Young People (England)

    This highly interactive one day course will enable delegates to explore the relevant legal framework, evidence and procedure surrounding the National Framework decision support toolkit to gain the specialist knowledge to then apply that learning to a case study to enable them to enhance confidence in its usage and achieving the correct outcome for those with continuing care needs.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Domestic Abuse Act 2021 for Children's Social Workers

    This course is designed to assist social workers with the knowledge and skills to be able to provide appropriate support, guidance, and advice to those who will need to seek protection through criminal, civil or family courts.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • AMHP Legal Update

    This course will look at all the key legal developments in the field of mental health.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Domestic Abuse Act 2021 for Adult Social Workers

    This 1-day virtual interactive course is designed to assist social workers with the knowledge and skills to be able to provide appropriate support, guidance, and advice to those who will need to seek protection through criminal, civil or family courts.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Mental Capacity Act 2005 for Managers

    This is a one day in-depth exploration of the duties and responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 for senior staff and managers.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Report Writing for Mental Health Tribunals

    This one-day course is aimed at those members of the psychiatric clinical team who will be required to write and present reports at MHTs and Hospital Managers’ Meetings.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Giving Evidence in Mental Health Tribunals

    This one-day course is designed for psychiatric healthcare professionals who need familiarisation with the necessary skills to give a confident account under questioning or cross-examination.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Human Rights and the Policing and Crime Act 2017

    This one-day course enables the AMHP to review their practices through practical exercises and examination of the legislative framework.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Part 4 & 4A of the Mental Health Act

    This one-day course is aimed at Clinical and Community Psychiatric Team members with a working knowledge of the Mental Health Act 1983, who want to increase their knowledge of the legal safeguards surrounding the treatment of detained psychiatric patients.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Community Treatment Orders

    This one-day course aimed at social workers and approved mental health professionals clarifies the powers available to clinical and community teams and helps identify which patients would and would not benefit from a CTO.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Law

    This one-day course is for nurses of all levels who work with patients detained or treated under the Mental Health Act 1983.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • The Interface Between S117 Aftercare and Continuing Healthcare

    This one-day course has been designed for nurses, Doctors, other healthcare professionals and social workers who are involved in discharge and aftercare planning and implementation.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • The Interface Between The Mental Health Act and The Mental Capacity Act

    This one-day course explores the concept of capacity, mental capacity assessments and best interests decisions.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Hospital Managers' Panels - Their Role and Responsibilities

    This one-day course offers panel members thorough training as to the sections of the Mental Health Act 1983 and parts of the Code of Practice to the Mental Health Act relevant to their role.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • The Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Essential Tool Kit

    This course is aimed at social workers who work with adults. It has been designed to enable them to gain an overview and robust understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and to be able to integrate them into day-to-day practice.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Eating Disorders and the Mental Health Act 1983

    This one-day course draws on a combination of legal principles, guidance and practical experience, as it follows the journey of a young person with anorexia nervosa through the psychiatric system.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Assessing Children and Young People Under the Mental Health Act

    This one-day course explores how to ensure that the delegate's aims, of helping children and young people with mental health difficulties, align with the key human rights principles of autonomy, control and participation.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • An Introduction to the Mental Health Act 1983

    This one-day course explains everything those who are new to working with psychiatric patients needs to know and through group discussion and case studies, explores the complex legal principles behind such detentions in a straightforward way.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • De-escalation, Lone Working and Breakaway Techniques

    This one-day course is designed to give your staff the knowledge and confidence to reduce the risk of harm to them when faced with a potentially violent situation by using effective de-escalation techniques.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • The Domestic Abuse Act 2021

    This course is designed to help health and social care professionals who work within domestic abuse with the knowledge and skills to be able to provide appropriate support, guidance, and advice to those who will need to seek protection through criminal, civil/ family courts.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • The Advanced Tool Kit for Experienced Social Workers

    The course has been designed to update and refresh experienced social workers of their statutory responsibilities.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • The Essential Tool Kit for Social Workers

    This course aims to arm Social Workers working with children and young people with the skills to identify the signs for early intervention and support, to undertake competent investigations, and to collect and analyse evidence effectively to help them arrive at the correct risk assessment and plan on behalf a child.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Best Interest Assessor (BIA) Statutory Legal Update - Plus

    The course will help you continue to develop the skills necessary to obtain, evaluate and analyse complex evidence and differing views. You will learn how to weigh them appropriately in decision making. The course will help you meet your statutory duties and allow you to continue to practice as a BIA.

    Course available: Online

    Qualification: No

  • Best Interest Assessor (BIA) Statutory Legal Update - Standard

    The course will help you continue to develop the skills necessary to obtain, evaluate and analyse complex evidence and differing views. You will learn how to weigh them appropriately in decision making. The course will help you meet your statutory duties and allow you to continue to practice as a BIA.

    Course available: Online

    Qualification: No

  • Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty for Young People 16–17

    This course is aimed at those working with 16- and 17-year-olds. The course is designed to ensure delegates understand the concept of deprivation of liberty, and will give them an overview of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 in order that they can integrate the core principles, assessment of capacity and best interests into day-to-day practice.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) Workshop for Leaders

    This course will help you and your organisation reflect on what has been learned from the attempts to implement the Liberty Protection Safeguards, and consider how those lessons can be used to effectively and lawfully continue to implement the DoLS system; whilst also preparing for the potential implementation of LPS at some point in the future.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • Capacity and Continuing NHS Healthcare Assessments

    The aim of this course is to provide delegates who have some knowledge of NHS Continuing Healthcare with a detailed overview of the law underpinning CHC and the process end to end.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Essential Tool Kit for NQSWs

    NHS Continuing Healthcare is a very complex area of work but one which all professionals working in health and social care need to understand.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Advanced (England)

    NHS Continuing Healthcare is a very complex area of work but one which all professionals working in health and social care need to understand.

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

  • NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) for Managers and In-house legal

    This is one day in depth exploration of the duties and responsibilities under the new NHS CHC National Framework 2022 for senior staff and managers which reflects legislative changes to incorporate the Health and Care Act 2022.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Self-Neglect and Hoarding

    This course provides an in-depth overview of the legal framework surrounding this complex area of self-neglect and hoarding with an exploration into the ethical dilemmas in practice.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Capacity and NHS Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Assessments

    NHS Continuing Healthcare is a very complex area of work but one which all professionals working in health and social care need to understand.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Working with Difficult to Engage Adults

    The course aims to arm social workers working with difficult to engage adults with the skills to identify what leads to a lack of engagement and to define and recognise difficult to engage behaviour such as ambivalence, avoidance, confrontation, and violence. The course will also explore what is meant by professional curiosity and respectful challenge.

    Course available:

    Qualification: No

  • Working with uncooperative parents

    The course aims to arm social workers working with uncooperative parents with the skills to identify ambivalence, avoidance, confrontation and violence by parents, to undertake competent investigations which include curiosity & challenge and to collect and analyse evidence collected by themselves or provided by other professionals, to enable them to arrive at the correct risk assessments and action plans on behalf of the child or children.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Continuing Healthcare (CHC) Training - Advanced (Wales)

    The aim of this course is to provide delegates who have some knowledge of Continuing Healthcare with a detailed overview of the law underpinning CHC and the process end to end. The duties of the LHB will be explored along with the role of the LA, enabling professionals to avoid the pitfalls in the decision-making process to ensure they carry out their role effectively and to best practice standards.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Section 42 Safeguarding Enquiries

    The Care Act 2014 placed adult safeguarding on a statutory footing. Local Authorities have a duty to make or cause to make an enquiry if a case meets the criteria in section 42.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Children Looked After

    On day one, the course will explore best practice in relation to private and public law, Children Act matters, adoption law and guidance including regulatory compliance and good practice with reference to recent case law and reviews.

    Course available: In-house

    Qualification: No

  • Continuing Care for Children and Young People (Wales)

    Explore the value of working in partnership to improve outcomes for children to ensure that the best package of care is identified and provided in Wales

    Course available: In-housePublic

    Qualification: No

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020 7549 2549

If you require any help or would like to discuss how Bond Solon can assist you in your training needs, please call us on: +44 (0) 20 7549 2549